Can you freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza? That’s a question that we get asked often, and the answer is yes, you can freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza. Freezing Papa Murphy’s pizza is a great way to save it for later.
In this blog post, we’ll tell you how to freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza and give you some tips on thawing it out so that it’s delicious when you eat it. Keep reading for more information.
Can You Freeze Papa Murphy’s Pizza?
Yes, it is possible to freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza. Freezing Papa Murphy’s pizza is a great way to save it for later.
In this blog post, we’ll tell you how to freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza and give you some tips on thawing it out so that it’s delicious when you eat it.
How Do I Store Frozen Pizzas?
Our pizzas are designed with a special paperboard carton that helps lock in freshness and flavor when the product is stored in the freezer. We recommend storing papa murphy’s frozen pizzas in your freezer up until their “Use By” date is stamped on the top of each pizzas’ package.
Once you’ve used a papa murphy’s frozen pizza, we recommend that you place it in your refrigerator for up to seven days. To maintain the highest quality possible, we do not recommend refreezing papa murphy’s pizzas after they have been thawed. However, if you do decide to refreeze a Papa Murphy’s pizza, please follow these guidelines:
Discard any pizza part with a “Use By Date” that has passed, and don’t eat it. Freeze the portion of the pizza from which you will be eating before its “Use By Date.” Store all Papa Murphy’s pizzas back in your freezer within two hours of cooking.
How Do I Thaw Out Frozen Pizzas?
Place your Papa Murphy’s menu pizza in the refrigerator to thaw overnight. If you need to melt it quickly, place it under cool, running water until the crust is flexible enough for you to bend slightly without cracking or breaking. Then return it to the refrigerator again until it has completely defrosted.
We recommend cooking pizzas while they are still cold; however, if you find that your oven needs up to 30 minutes longer than usual to get your pizza’s internal temperature up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, please be sure to cook it thoroughly before eating.
Do not allow a defrosted Papa Murphy’s pizza to sit at room temperature for more than 2 hours as it may lead to foodborne illness if eaten without cooking it again.
Is There A Time Limit For Thawing Frozen Pizzas?
We do not recommend refreezing Papa Murphy’s pizzas after they have been thawed, but if you do decide to, please remember that the “Use By Date” stamped on the top of our pizzas package has passed, and don’t eat it.
It is also important to remember that once you have used a Papa Murphy’s pizza product from your freezer, we recommend placing it in your refrigerator for up to seven days before your subsequent use.
To maintain the highest quality possible, we do not recommend refreezing Papa Murphy’s pizzas after they have been thawed. However, if you do decide to refreeze a Papa Murphy’s pizza, please follow these guidelines:
- Discard any pizza part with a “Use By Date” that has passed, and don’t eat it.
- Freeze the portion of the pizza from which you will be eating before its “Use By Date.”
- Store all Papa Murphy’s pizzas back in your freezer within two hours of cooking.
Can I Freeze a Fully Cooked Pizza?
Yes, it is possible to freeze Papa Murphy’s pizza after you have cooked it. Just make sure you don’t leave it out for more than two hours and if you do, be sure to cook it again before eating.
How To Freeze Papa Murphy Pizza before Cooking
- Remove pizza from the carton and place it on a flat surface.
- Using freezer-grade aluminum foil, make a tightly wrapped packet around the entire pizza.
- To avoid condensation as you wrap the aluminum foil, it’s essential to make sure your packets are sealed or closed all around, like a burrito or sandwich (leave no gaps).
- Place the packet on a wire rack in an oven that is turned off and not heating. It is also essential to leave some space between each pizza so that heat does not build up between them and create a “freezer burn.” This will allow for quick and even freezing of the product without sacrificing quality when it comes time to eat it.
- The pizza will now sit in your oven at 0 degrees Fahrenheit overnight, allowing for proper freezing of the product.
- Remove pizzas from the oven and store them in a freezer-safe container or resealable plastic bag.
- Label and date your pizzas and place them back in the freezer for up to six months, so they are always on hand when you need a quality, affordable meal!
- When ready to cook, remove frozen pizza from plastic bag or container and place either directly on the middle rack of preheated 425 degrees Fahrenheit oven OR (if making two large 16-18″ pizzas) place on the cookie sheet and bake for 12 minutes until cheese is melted and crust begins to lightly.
How To Freeze Papa Murphy Pizza After Cooking?

- Freeze any pizza you will not be cooking within two hours.
- Place the cooked pizza into resealable plastic bags or freezer containers and store it in the freezer for up to six months.
- When ready to cook, thaw Papa Murphy’s pizza in your refrigerator for 24-36 hours depending on your preference of crispness of crust, then proceed with directions for baking.
- Cooking times are general guidelines for defrosted pizzas, so if you find that your oven needs up to 30 minutes longer than usual, please keep an eye on it to thoroughly cook it before eating.
- If you do not allow a fully defrosted pizza to come up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit before placing it into a hot oven, it may create a safety issue.
How To Thaw Papa Murphy Pizza?
- Place frozen pizza in the refrigerator for 24-36 hours to thaw.
- If microwaving from a frozen state, please follow the microwave cooking instructions provided on the exterior of the pizza box.
- Once the pizza is completely defrosted, place it into your oven and bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and the crust begins to brown lightly.
How To Reheat Papa Murphy Pizza?
In The Microwave
We recommend heating the pizza on an aluminum baking sheet placed directly on the bottom oven rack for best results. Remove all plastic before reheating. Microwave cooking should be tailored to your microwave’s wattage and time may vary based on individual microwaves.
For example, a 1000-watt microwave should cook for approximately 1 minute 30 seconds to 2 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust begins to brown lightly.
In The Air Fryer
We recommend heating pizza on an aluminum baking sheet that has been appropriately placed inside the air fryer. Please note that setting the pizza directly on top of a wire rack may create more crispness to your product versus putting it now on the bottom of the air fryer basket or pan.
- Remove all plastic wrappings
- Place frozen pizza directly onto a wire rack in the preheated air fryer (350 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Heat for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust begins to lightly brown
- Monitor cooking time to not overcook as it can dry out your pizza.
- Once thoroughly heated, remove from oven and serve immediately.
In A Multicooker
- Preheat your multicooker to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
- Remove all plastic wrappings from the pizza and place them into a baking dish that is oven safe
- Cook on the bake cycle for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust begins to brown lightly.
- Let stand for one minute before serving.
In A Skillet
Place pizza directly on the middle rack of preheated 350 degrees Fahrenheit oven OR (if making two large 16-18″ pizzas) place on the cookie sheet and cook for 12 minutes until cheese is melted and crust begins to lightly brown.
Warning: Some foods may contain bones, especially seafood like shrimp and crabs. Eating these foods may increase your risk of choking or injury.
Reheat Frozen Cooked Pizza
- Place on the baking sheet and bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted and crust begins to brown lightly.
- Let stand for one minute before serving.
- Do not reheat or cook pizza in a microwave oven if plastic or aluminum foil has been used to store the pizza after being cooked.
Read more: How To Reheat Pizza In Pan?
How To Cook Pizza Without A Microwave?
Oven Use: Gas, Electric, Or Convection Ovens Can Be Used To Prepare This Product For The Best Results; follow These Directions:
- Turn oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit
- Place pizza directly on middle rack and heat for precisely five minutes
- Remove from oven and place desired toppings
- Put back into the oven for five minutes or until cheese is melted and crust begins to brown lightly.
- Remove from oven and let stand one minute before serving.
Toaster Oven Use: Can Also Be Used To Prepare This Product For The Best Results, Follow These Directions:
- Turn oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
- Place pizza on the rack directly above the wire rack in the center of the oven
- Heat for precisely six minutes.
- Remove from oven and place desired toppings.
- Put back into the oven for six minutes or until cheese is melted and crust begins to brown lightly.
- Remove from oven and let stand one minute before serving.
How Long Will Papa Murphy’s Pizza Keep?
We suggest enjoying your Papa Murphy’s pizza within four hours of purchase. Our pizzas are best when enjoyed immediately after baking.
To prevent the cheese from becoming sticky, please do not reheat or cook pizza in a microwave oven if plastic or aluminum foil has been used to store the pizza after being cooked.
How Long Do You Cook A frozen Papa Murphy’s Pizza?
For best results, place the frozen pizza directly in a preheated oven.
Gas Oven – 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes
Convection Oven – 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 minutes
Toaster Oven – 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 minutes
How Do I Cook My Papa Murphy’s Baked Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza?
For best results, place the frozen pizza directly in a preheated oven (450 degrees Fahrenheit) and heat for 12 minutes until golden brown. Do not thaw if possible – it will take longer to heat through. If melted, heat for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.
Does Freezing Affect The Taste Of Papa Murphy Pizza?
Yes, frozen pizza for multiple days does lose some of its taste. We suggest enjoying your Papa Murphy’s pizza within four hours of purchase. Our pizzas are best when enjoyed immediately after baking.
Note: If you have a favorite or memorable recipe, please write it on the pizza box and include it on our new label!
Can You Refreeze Papa Murphy Pizza?
Once the pizza has been fully baked, we do not recommend freezing or refreezing Papa Murphy’s. It may affect the quality of the product, including its taste and texture once it is thawed.
How Long Does Papa Murphy Pizza Last In The Fridge?
We suggest enjoying your Papa Murphy’s pizza within four hours of purchase.
To prevent the cheese from becoming sticky, please do not reheat or cook pizza in a microwave oven if plastic or aluminum foil has been used to store the pizza after being cooked.
How Long Can You Keep Papa Murphy Pizza In The Freezer?
We suggest eating the pizza within four months of purchase for the best results.
Pizza with ground beef topping can be frozen for up to four months as long as you store it in an airtight container such as a freezer bag. Make sure to use a heavy-duty freezer bag that has been lined with one additional heavyweight plastic bag or two regular plastic grocery bags. This will prevent leakage and mess.
How To Defrost The Pizza?
We recommend letting the pizza defrost overnight in the refrigerator.
Papa Murphy’s cannot recommend heating or cooking frozen pizzas that have been baked, cooled, and stored in any manner other than recommended on this label. We do not support the microwave cooking of our pizzas. If consumers choose to reheat their pizza using a microwave oven, they should do so individually.
1. Do you have to thaw Papa Murphy’s pizza?
We do not recommend thawing Papa Murphy’s pizzas before cooking. We suggest eating the pizza within four months of purchase for the best results.
2. Can you freeze uncooked pizza?
Yes, you can freeze an uncooked pizza. We recommend eating the pizza within four months of purchase for the best results.
3. Does cheese need to be thawed?
No, cheese does not need to be thawed before cooking. If you want to avoid unnecessary liquid in your frozen pizzas, consider storing all condiments (sauce, pepperoni, etc.) in a separate freezer bag that will go into the oven frozen.
4. Do you cook Papa Murphy’s pizza on cardboard?
No, we do not recommend cooking on cardboard. We recommend carefully removing the pizza from the box to prevent any tearing or damage.
5. Can you cook frozen cheese stuffed crust?
Yes, for best results, place the frozen cheese stuffed crust directly in a preheated oven (450 degrees Fahrenheit) and heat for 12 minutes until golden brown. Do not thaw if possible – it will take longer to heat through. If melted, heat for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.
6. How do you cook a Papa Murphy’s pizza in a convection oven?
Convection ovens are slightly different than traditional ovens. The best way to cook a pizza in convection is to heat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and heat the pizza for 10-12 minutes.
7. Does Papa Murphy’s recommend microwaving?
No, we do not recommend microwaving your frozen or fresh pizzas.
8. How long does it take to bake Papa Murphy pizza?
Freshly baked, our pizzas generally take 12-13 minutes. Frozen pizzas may take up to 18-20 minutes, depending on your oven and how many pizzas you are cooking at one time.
9. What are the best pizza freezing instructions?
We recommend storing the pizzas in an airtight container to prevent losing moisture. We suggest placing plastic wrap or aluminum foil inside the box to separate the two pizzas.
10. What temperature do I reheat Papa Murphy’s pizza?
We do not recommend microwaving your frozen or fresh pizzas. We suggest reheating in a preheated oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-10 minutes.
11. How do you make Papa Murphy’s pizza crispy?
We recommend baking your pizza on the bottom rack of a preheated oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-13 minutes.
12. Can you cook Papa Murphy’s pizza on a pizza stone?
Yes, you can place the pizza directly on a baking stone. We recommend placing the stone in your oven while it is preheating, so it is nice and hot when you are ready to cook. Cook for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
13. How big is Papa Murphy’s medium pizza?
Papa Murphy’s medium pizzas measure 12″ in diameter.
14. Can you cook a frozen pizza at 350?
We do not recommend cooking a frozen pizza at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The best way to cook a frozen Papa Murphy’s Pizza is at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 18-20 minutes.
15. How do you make a frozen pizza better?
The best way to make a Frozen Papa Murphy’s Pizza is to heat it in a preheated oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 18-20 minutes.
16. Can you put a frozen pizza directly on the oven rack?
We recommend placing a baking sheet on the bottom rack when cooking your frozen pizzas. By doing so, you allow for enough airflow to keep the crust crispy and prevent it from getting soggy in the middle.
17. How long will a pizza stay good in the freezer?
Freshly baked, our pizzas generally last four months in a standard freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Frozen pizzas may last up to six months, depending on storage conditions and how many pizzas you store at once.
18. How long will a pizza stay good in the freezer?
Freshly baked, our pizzas generally last four months in a standard freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Frozen pizzas may last up to six months, depending on storage conditions and how many pizzas you store at once.
19. Why do I need to defrost Papa Murphy’s pizza?
For best results, we recommend thawing before reheating your pizza. This helps reduce over-cooking, save energy/time, and burn or undercooking.
20. What is Papa Murphy’s pizza sauce made of?
We use 100% crushed tomatoes in our marinara sauce. We believe this enhances the flavor without adding artificial flavors or colors. The marinara sauce contains sugar, salt, spices, and garlic powder at the end of the cooking process to create a delicious balance.
21. What is Papa Murphy’s fresh dough made out of?
Our fresh dough is made with premium durum wheat flour, salt, yeast, water, and vegetable oil. We do not add any other flour, fillers, or preservatives during the manufacturing process.
Our dough contains simple ingredients; no dyes or artificial flavors are added anywhere along the way. After it has risen to perfection, we flash freeze it to seal in freshness and flavor.
Final thoughts
We want to reassure you that our pizzas are still safe to eat after being in the deep freeze for up to six months. Reheating instructions vary depending on whether you have a fresh or frozen pizza. For best results, we recommend heating your pizza in the oven without thawing first and often checking as cooking times may vary.
We hope this clears things up and helps make your next frozen pizza experience more enjoyable! Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.