Are you struggling to find an ingredient to replace pomegranate molasses? Then, take it easy with 12 ideas of substitution for pomegranate molasses on our list.
Of course, nothing can be a perfect substitute, but we’re certain that these ideas come pretty close to pomegranate molasses’ flavor. Let’s scroll down to explore these alternatives along with their recipes and health benefits.
Top 12 Substitutes For Pomegranate Molasses
There are many pomegranate molasses substitutes, but we find these 12 ingredients most likely to bring out a pomegranate-like taste.
1. Pomegranate Juice & Sugar

Pomegranate-based products can be an excellent substitute for pomegranate molasses. And mixing pomegranate juice with sugar turns out to be the closest way to imitate the molasses flavor.
They resemble each other in the sweet taste and the fruity aroma but differ in the thickness of texture. Molasses is more viscid than the other.
The mixture of pomegranate and sugar is not ideal for salads, but you can make a tasty salad sauce to replace the molasses. The liquid itself can be a cool and fresh juice or a base for smoothies and cocktails.
You can make pomegranate popsicles to get away from the hot summer days with a more densely pomegranate-like flavor than using molasses. This mixture also does its best if you want to give your roasted chicken or rip cuts a sticky glaze.
Pomegranate deserves to be a nutritional powerhouse as it comes with a ton of antioxidants. Research shows that these substances contribute to cancer and heart disease prevention. Vitamin C in this fruit also promotes your immune system and healing process.
How to choose the best pomegranate for juice? It’s up to you, depending on your preference for sweetness. The darker and deeper the red color is, the sweeter it will be.
2. Pomegranate Seeds – The best substitutes for pomegranate molasses

It is a miss if we don’t put fresh pomegranate seeds on this list. Although their consistency has nothing in common, pomegranate seeds can deliver a familiar flavor like its molasses.
It’s time to add a touch of color to your salads with gorgeous ruby-red seeds instead of pomegranate molasses. Apart from salads, you can top these seeds on smoothies or cakes to blow a fresh wind into them.
But desserts are not the only place for pomegranate seeds to shine through. You can utilize them in many savory recipes.
Topping some of these red seeds on Spaghetti squash rather than pomegranate molasses sauce will bring a hint of a sweet, fresh, comforting flavor as well as visual appeal.
As we mentioned above, this fruit undoubtedly offers great health benefits. You will feel a clear improvement in your health when regularly eating pomegranate.
We’ll show you the right way to take out the seeds. First, cut through the blossom, you’ll notice the 5-6 segments separated by arils.
Gently make vertical cuts along those segments and make sure they are deep enough to cut through the skin, not the seeds. Then break open and de-seed the fruit.
3. Grenadine

There’s nothing better to replace pomegranate molasses than grenadine, a non-alcoholic syrup derived from pomegranate.
This syrup comes with a sweet and tart flavor plus a deep red color. So if you have this syrup on hand, you can replace pomegranate molasses with it in a pinch.
Of course, grenadine works well in any cocktails like molasses, putting a touch of color, sweetness, and tartness. Otherwise, you can use it as a topping on cupcakes, pancakes, or even ice-creams with a slightly sweeter taste than pomegranate molasses.
Even better, this syrup also appears in savory dishes. BBQ or roasted pork with grenadine sauce and a cup of wine make a perfect pair for dinner.
When used on roasted pork or beef, grenadine will tenderize the meat and block moisture because the heavy texture of syrup tends to stick to the meat better than molasses.
Grenadine is significantly sweeter than pomegranate molasses, so taste-testing is necessary to ensure the right amount when using. It’s better to start with just a little syrup and add more if needed.
4. Cranberry Syrup / Juice Concentrate

Cranberry is more acidic than pomegranate, so its syrup or juice concentrate with sugar can be a compatible substitution for pomegranate molasses. The best thing is thatyou can enjoy an equally thick consistency with an eye-catching ruby-red.
Making cocktails or smoothies with cranberry syrup is never out of date in summer. You can see this syrup in many desserts, such as pancakes and granolas, or simply spreading it on toast can make a nutritional morning dish.
Cranberries are an abundant source of vitamin C, and E. Vitamin C can support your immune system, thus increasing your mood and overall energy. Vitamin E is a star in skincare, contributing to cell regeneration and slowing down the aging process.
Adding some baking soda when cooking cranberry syrup can neutralize its tartness and acidity.
5. Lemon Juice & Honey

Lemon juice can be more acidic, so mixing it with honey can create a molasses-like texture and sweetness. Replacing pomegranate molasses with this mixture can also bring out a signature of citrus fruit – a bitter and fresh aftertaste.
Lemon juice with honey can pop up in many recipes, from desserts and drinks to savory dishes. Like pomegranate molasses, this ingredient is the perfect top layer for pancakes, tarts, or puddings since it neutralizes the sweetness with acidity.
Lemon is famous for packing tons of citric acid, which is beneficial for breaking up small stones and preventing kidney stones. It is a good source of vitamin C and pectin like orange, reducing the risk of stroke and lowering blood pressure.
You never want to add any kinds of lemon-based products to a still-cooking or too hot dish. The high temperature will turn it so bitter that you can’t enjoy the meal.
6. Orange Marmalade

Although orange marmalade is slightly more intense than pomegranate molasses, it gives you a similar tart and sweet flavor. If you can’t put your hand on this ingredient, any substitute for orange marmalade can decently replace pomegranate molasses.
Orange marmalade is the go-to choice for toasted bread. Each tablespoon of orange marmalade contains about 56 calories, perfect for a healthy breakfast.
With a sticky texture like molasses, marmalade is also a great ingredient for desserts, adding more sweetness and a delightful touch of acidy taste.
Apart from molasses, marmalade is also a great choice for glazing. Give orange marmalade glazed ham a try, or you’ll regret it. The glossy brown glaze can leave you mouth-watering in the very first seconds.
You will feel a perfect combination of sourness and sweetness along with the juicy and tender ham, leaving a fresh aftertaste.
Orange is an abundant vitamin C and pectin source, boosting the immune system and slowing down the aging process. Also, it is high in calcium, keeping your bones and muscles strong.
Adding orange marmalade to roasted meat or poultry is a great idea to keep them moist and tender.
7. Balsamic Vinegar & Sugar

Balsamic vinegar is made from grapes, coming with a dark color and an acidic flavor. Thus, adding some sugar to this vinegar can imitate pomegranate molasses.
We have to admit that balsamic vinegar with sugar is an incredibly versatile ingredient. You can encounter it in various recipes, such as salads, glazed meat, poultry, steak, or roasted meat and vegetables.
Balsamic vinegar is packed with antimicrobials to fight off fungi, viruses, and bacteria. This vinegar also helps you lower cholesterol and aid in weight loss.
It is advisable not to expose balsamic vinegar to excessive heat. The texture will break down, and its flavor will fade away.
8. Raspberry Jam

Not only does it come in a similar color, but raspberry jam also delivers nearly the same levels of acidity and sweetness as pomegranate molasses. Therefore, you can use them interchangeably in any recipe.
You can come across raspberry jam in both sweet and savory recipes. Using raspberry jam to make ketchup for sautéd pork chops can be a tempting plate on your menu.
Raspberry jam, like pomegranate molasses, is also a great glaze for grilled meat dishes, leaving a glossy and juicy look.
Raspberry is packed with fiber, and vitamin C. Fiber plays an important role in boosting your digestive system and controlling your weight. Vitamin C does wonders for your immune system and your skin.
Ellagic acid – a special antioxidant in raspberry – can reduce oxidative damage and repair damaged DNA.
Remember to cook meat with raspberry jam glaze on medium heat because the jam is easy to get burned.
9. Tamarind Paste & Honey

Tamarind’s taste ranges from sour and sweet to tart and tangy flavor, which can be similar to pomegranates. Adding a bit of honey to tamarind paste ends up with a sticky and intense consistency like pomegranate molasses.
Tamarind’s acidity makes it a perfect tenderizer for meat. You can make use of its paste to soften thick meat cuts.
Thanks to the similar sourness with pomegranate, you can also make salad sauce using this paste. But remember to dilute it beforehand since a too thick consistency can’t soak up the vegetables.
You can benefit a lot from eating tamarind, thanks to its nutritional profile. This fruit contains anti-inflammatory properties, decreasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Magnesium in tamarind also contributes to a good night’s sleep by reducing your anxiety.
If you are about to baste tamarind paste on grilled dishes, make sure you brush it late in the cooking process so that the natural sugar doesn’t burn.
10. Cassis Syrup

Cassis (or blackcurrants) syrup doesn’t have the same color as pomegranate, but it is sweet and tangy enough to decently replace pomegranate molasses. Using this syrup also gives a bitter and berry kick to your dishes.
Like pomegranate molasses, you can come across cassis syrup in many cocktails, offering a fruity flavor and a refreshing feeling. Making cassis sorbets is not a bad idea for a summer cooler.
What about a soft pudding with cassis pouring out? This syrup, resembling pomegranate molasses’ texture and sour flavor, can pair well with many beverages and desserts.
Blackcurrant is high in vitamin C, promoting your energy to fight off illness. Not to mention, anthocyanins found in this fruit can lower blood pressure and improve your vision.
If you don’t have liquors on hand to make cocktails, diluting cassis syrup with milk or sparkling water is also a great option for a drink.
11. Grapefruit Juice Concentrate

Grapefruit can not bring you a pomegranate-like flavor, but it does give you a sweet and acidic taste. The concentrated texture also resembles the viscid molasses. Therefore, it can be a substitute for pomegranate molasses in some recipes.
Grapefruit juice concentrate can go well with many kinds of dessert and salad. If you are pressed for time, a plate of toasted bread or pancakes with grapefruit concentrate on top will be a quick yet full breakfast.
Grapefruit is low in calories and high in fiber and pectin, a good friend for anyone on a diet. Research shows that consuming high-fiber fruits can increase the feeling of fullness and reduce the craving for food.
It also contains a significant amount of vitamin C and A, doing wonders for your immune system and protecting cells from harmful bacteria.
It is advisable to use grapefruit juice concentrate to make salad sauce if you are on a diet. You will soon feel full even when consuming less.
12. Blackberry Jam

The note of blackberry’s flavor is sweetness, but it also offers a bit of sourness. So replacing pomegranate molasses with blackberry jam is still an acceptable option.
The most common recipe for blackberry jam is desserts, ranging from cupcakes, pancakes, puddings, jam bars, or jelly. This jam can also be served with cheese and salads instead of pomegranate molasses.
The highlighted nutrient of blackberries is vitamin C, which boosts your mood and energy. Additionally, those on a diet can take advantage of blackberries since they are a high-fiber fruit type.
When using blackberry jam in place of pomegranate molasses, you’d better cook it with water for a few minutes to make it runnier, like the molasses texture.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following part will help you distinguish between molasses and syrup and know how to make pomegranate molasses at home.
Is Pomegranate Molasses Like Syrup?
Basically, molasses and syrup share the same sweet taste and thick texture. However, they differ in the making process. You can make molasses by boiling the fruit juice, while the syrup is made by mixing fruit, sugar, and water.
How To Make Pomegranate Molasses At Home?
Here a 5 simple steps you can follow to make homemade pomegranate molasses:
Step 1: Boil pomegranate juice, lemon juice, and sugar over medium heat. When boiling, reduce to low heat.
Step 2: While the mixture is boiling, frequently stir so that sugar doesn’t stick to the pan. Let it simmer for an hour.
Step 3: When the liquid is burned off, put a spoon into it. If the mixture coats the spoon, you have done your cooking. Turn off the heat.
Step 4: Let it cool down for 30 minutes to thicken the texture, then pour it into a jar.
Step 5: Store the jar in your refrigerator. You can enjoy your homemade pomegranate molasses for up to 6 months.
Cooking is creating new things, and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to devising recipes. So, you can always find a proper substitution for pomegranate molasses to your liking.
Sometimes, a slight adjustment in the recipe can cause a twist in its taste. Feel free to experiment with all the 12 suggestions above and find out your favorite.